Positive Discomfort Part 2: Working with schools to help kids get through tasks and transitions Cooperation, Highly Sensitive Children, lessons from the trenches, Limit-Setting With Love, Parenting Mindshifts, Social/emotional dev, TransitionsClaire LernerJanuary 9, 2025children, challenges, social emotional development
Positive Discomfort: The stress of learning something new or facing a challenge is helpful, not harmful Highly Sensitive Children, Nurturing Problem-Solvers, Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerDecember 21, 2024resilience, social emotional development, grit
YOU DO IT!: When Your Child Demands You Do Things For Them That They Can Do Themselves Establishing Routines, Cooperation, lessons from the trenches, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional dev, TransitionsClaire LernerSeptember 17, 2024child development, cooperation, resilience
When Your Child Has A Pessimistic Outlook Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerJuly 18, 2024
How The Obsession With Validating Feelings Is Failing Our Children (and resulting in less, not more, emotional regulation) Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Parenting Mindshifts, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerMay 29, 2024child development, Parenting
The Trouble With Transitions: Why They Are So Hard For Some Kids And How To Help Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional dev, Cooperation, TransitionsClaire LernerApril 2, 2024transitions, child development, challenging behaviors
I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!! When Your Child Resists Discussions about Difficult Incidents Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerMarch 11, 2024
"This Is the WORST DAY EVER!" Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional devClaire LernerDecember 1, 2023children, highly sensitive children, child development, Positive parenting
How To Support Vs. Enable Your Highly Sensitive Child Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Parenting MindshiftsClaire LernerSeptember 19, 2023highly sensitive children
You Are Not A Helicopter Parent. You Are Your Child's Emotional Support Parent Highly Sensitive Children, Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerSeptember 12, 2023child development, parenting
How To Help Kids Navigate Social Challenges Positive Parenting, Social/emotional dev, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerJuly 18, 2023social challenges
How To Help Avoidant Kids Take on Challenges And Work Through Fears Positive Parenting, Social/emotional dev, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerJune 7, 2023hesitant kids
How To Teach Lessons to Kids Who Can't Tolerate Being Corrected Challenging Behaviors, Decoding behavior, Highly Sensitive Children, Positive Discipline, Social/emotional devClaire LernerMarch 21, 2023discipline, child development
How To Be A "Gentle" Parent When You Have A Big Reactor Challenging Behaviors, Highly Sensitive Children, Most Popular Blogs, Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Discipline, Social/emotional devClaire LernerFebruary 15, 2023Big reactors, gentle parenting, co-regulation
“It’s All Your Fault!” Why Your Child Blames You For Everything (and how to help kids learn to take responsibility for their mistakes) Highly Sensitive Children, Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerJanuary 11, 2023Positive parenting
When NOT To Apologize To Your Child Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerOctober 2, 2022Apologizing to kids
When NOT To Give Choices Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerJune 22, 2022choices, parenting, children
Your Child Needs You To Do Hard Things Positive Parenting, Parenting Mindshifts, Social/emotional dev, Nurturing Strong Problem, Nurturing Problem-SolversClaire LernerApril 5, 2022Positive parenting, social emotional development
5 Ways to Help a Hesitant Child Try New Things Highly Sensitive Children, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional dev, Most Popular BlogsClaire LernerMarch 28, 2022
Negative Self-Talk: Why it happens and what you can do Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Parenting Mindshifts, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerMarch 13, 2022Negative self talk, children, social emotional development, parenting