The Trouble With Transitions: Why They Are So Hard For Some Kids And How To Help Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional dev, Cooperation, TransitionsClaire LernerApril 2, 2024transitions, child development, challenging behaviors
When Kids Act Like Dictators Challenging Behaviors, Highly Sensitive Children, Positive ParentingClaire LernerOctober 29, 2023kids, demanding behavior, challenging behaviors
The Lowdown On Limits Positive Parenting, Positive Discipline, Parenting MindshiftsClaire LernerMay 13, 2022Positive parenting, positive discipline, challenging behaviors
Positive Parenting Mindshift: Your Child Isn't Misbehaving on Purpose Challenging Behaviors, Positive Discipline, Parental self-awarenessClaire LernerDecember 17, 2020mindset, parenting, challenging behaviors, development, positive parenting
Highly Sensitive Children: Is there a sensory piece of the puzzle? Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerOctober 20, 2020highly sensitive children, challenging behaviors, positive parenting, social emotional development
Sore Losers: How to help them cope with competition Highly Sensitive Children, Challenging BehaviorsClaire LernerOctober 1, 2020highly sensitive children, social emotional development, positive parenting, challenging behaviors
Coping In the Time of Coronavirus: Stop choosing your battles with your kids Coronavirus ResourcesClaire LernerMarch 17, 2020positive disciplone, challenging behaviors
How to Balance the Need for Routines with Helping Kids Be Flexible Establishing Routines, Positive Discipline, Social/emotional devClaire LernerFebruary 13, 2020routines, daily routines, positive parenting, positive discipline, challenging behaviors, challenging behavior
Why Children Laugh, Evade, or Get Angry When Being Corrected (No, your child is not a sociopath) Challenging Behaviors, Positive Parenting, Positive Discipline, Highly Sensitive Children, Most Popular Blogs, Parental self-awarenessClaire LernerJanuary 28, 2020challenging behaviors, challenging behavior, positive parenting, positive discipline
Just Say “No” to Threats Part 2: What to do when your child is the one using intimidation lessons from the trenches, Positive Discipline, Challenging BehaviorsClaire LernerOctober 8, 2019challenging behaviors, positive disciploneComment
Dealing with Demanding Behavior lessons from the trenches, Challenging Behaviors, Positive DisciplineClaire LernerAugust 11, 2019positive discipline, positive disciplone, positive parenting, challenging behaviors, challenging behavior Comment
I Don’t Like the Choices You’re Choicing Me! How to Set Clear, Enforceable Limits…with Love Positive Parenting, Positive DisciplineClaire LernerApril 17, 2018positive discipline, positive parenting, limit setting, power struggles, choices, challenging behaviors, challenging behavior, disciplineComment
I said I want the red bowl! Responding to Toddlers’ Irrational Behavior Challenging Behaviors, Positive Discipline, Positive ParentingKaren DeansMarch 12, 2018discipline, limit setting, challenging behaviors, tantrums, power struggles Comment