YOU DO IT!: When Your Child Demands You Do Things For Them That They Can Do Themselves Establishing Routines, Cooperation, lessons from the trenches, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional dev, TransitionsClaire LernerSeptember 17, 2024child development, cooperation, resilience
How The Obsession With Validating Feelings Is Failing Our Children (and resulting in less, not more, emotional regulation) Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Parenting Mindshifts, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerMay 29, 2024child development, Parenting
The Trouble With Transitions: Why They Are So Hard For Some Kids And How To Help Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional dev, Cooperation, TransitionsClaire LernerApril 2, 2024transitions, child development, challenging behaviors
"This Is the WORST DAY EVER!" Highly Sensitive Children, Social/emotional devClaire LernerDecember 1, 2023children, highly sensitive children, child development, Positive parenting
You Are Not A Helicopter Parent. You Are Your Child's Emotional Support Parent Highly Sensitive Children, Parenting Mindshifts, Positive Parenting, Social/emotional devClaire LernerSeptember 12, 2023child development, parenting
How To Teach Lessons to Kids Who Can't Tolerate Being Corrected Challenging Behaviors, Decoding behavior, Highly Sensitive Children, Positive Discipline, Social/emotional devClaire LernerMarch 21, 2023discipline, child development
How "Two-Great Choices" Prevents Power Struggles Positive Discipline, Most Popular BlogsClaire LernerDecember 16, 2022power struggles, child development, positive discipline