How The Obsession With Validating Feelings Is Failing Our Children (and resulting in less, not more, emotional regulation) Social/emotional dev, Positive Parenting, Parenting Mindshifts, Highly Sensitive ChildrenClaire LernerMay 29, 2024child development, Parenting
The "Have-To": A simple strategy to prevent power struggles Limit-Setting With Love, Positive DisciplineClaire LernerFebruary 15, 2024limit setting, children, Parenting, power struggles
Demand Avoidance: When Kids Vehemently And Consistently Resist Directions Challenging Behaviors, Decoding behavior, Highly Sensitive Children, Positive ParentingClaire LernerJanuary 9, 2024PDA, Demand Avoidance, Challenging child behaviors, Parenting